Pension Clicks
October 2022
In this edition of Pension Clicks, Andrew Gaskell and Richard Cook discuss why a "stronger nudge" should be just the start of greater support provided to members. We are delighted to be at this year’s PLSA Annual Conference and Exhibition and would love to see you there - stop by stand 313 to meet the team. With investment matters on the agenda, join us in November for our Wealth Insights Conference where we will be running an exclusive forum for the exchange of investment insights and ideas.
On The Horizon

Several legislative changes come into effect in October 2022. Our On the horizon summary provides a reminder of some of the other key legislative and regulatory developments expected over the coming months.
Improving Pension Outcomes - It starts with a nudge…
Andrew Gaskell and Richard Cook discuss why a "stronger nudge" should be just the start of greater support provided to members in this latest article with Professional Pensions.
Doing Your Homework on Bulk Annuity 
Providers — ESG is Key
Most trustee boards now have their own ESG targets and considerations factored into their investment policies. So, when it comes to investing a significant amount of a scheme’s capital into a bulk annuity policy, ESG factors will come into play. Read what Lisa Varley has to say in our article, which was first published in Professional Pensions.
DC Pensions:
Better Member Outcomes
How many of your employees will be able to retire at an age of their choosing? Do your employees know their projected retirement income at their target retirement age?

Do you know the impact on your business of employees retiring later?
Retirement podcast

In this podcast you will hear the key pension news from the last month summarised by Aon’s Ricky Marsh.

This month, with contributions from Aon’s Tapan Datta, Tim Lock and Maria Johannessen, Ricky looks at the fallout from the new Chancellor’s mini-Budget, including the market reaction and how that has affected pension schemes.
Week In Markets
A summary of market movements over the past week.
Aon In The Press
The recent disruption in the financial markets and, in particular, volatility in the bond market, led to a flurry of coverage in the media and we include some links below where Calum Mackenzie and Dilesh Shah were quoted on behalf of Aon:

• Pensions & Investments: Market shocks prompt allocation overhauls
Pensions Training
We are running a full schedule of DB, DC and pensions governance training. You can find a copy of our training brochure here and book here
18 October 2022 – Social engineering, phishing and malware
24 October 2022 – secure connections, account security and Internet of Things 
1-2 November, London
Complexity to Clarity: Making Better Investment Decisions 
Join us, when we will bring together asset owners, asset managers and investment service providers in an exclusive forum for the exchange of investment insights and ideas.
Bristol. Birmingham. Edinburgh. London. Manchester.
A multi-city event for those who manage or govern pension schemes.
Sign up today for free, CPD points available for full day attendance.
Also On Our Website
Check our upcoming events and webinar replays.
Aon's new Risk Settlement Hub delivers new content  on the different steps to achieve your journey to settlement.
Given recent events and unprecedented volatility, particularly in the gilt market, our investment experts gathered to discuss the implications for UK pension schemes and the need for investors to reassess, reappraise and reposition their investment portfolios.
During this recording Aon’s specialist cover the impact of inflation on purchasing power over time and debate the pros and cons of paying discretionary pension increases and consider who gets to decide, how to communicate to members and the impact on end-game planning. Our experts also explore the impact of inflation on actuarial factors and member choices and briefly touch on the link from benefit decisions on inflation to investment decisions. 
During this recording, Aon’s specialist’s summarise what has happened so far on the new funding regime and explain the consultation document, bringing out the critical points, under the headings of funding, investment, and covenant. They also share their interpretation of the main implications of the consultation and discuss the key actions for you to take whether you are a trustee, a corporate representative, or a pensions manager.
Check out these additional resources